Better than Adventure! 7.3 is now available!
Hello, everyone! Exactly 6 months on from 7.2 (seriously, go check) we’re shipping 7.3 of Better than Adventure!, this update brings you new Netherrack blocks to build with, an easier way to paint things, and a couple new Redstone components to tickle your technical brain.
Special thanks to Thaboar for making the trailer!
A full changelog is available on our downloads page, but here’s a quick summary:
- A new type of piston that can push at a greater reach and fling mobs and blocks in the air!
- New achievements, and a redesigned achievements menu!
- New Netherrack blocks! Netherrack Bricks, Smooth Netherrack, Steel Bricks and Fences!
- Pumice! Sponge for lava!
- Paintbrushes! An easier way to dye wool and painted wood!
- The Activator! Perfoms right click functionality on a Redstone pulse! Can be programmed to make complex machines!
- An overhauled command system!
- Subtitles!
- Movable containers! Press shift + right click with an empty hand to carry your chests around your base!
- Better controller input!
We recommend against using the automatic installer for the time being as we’ve been experiencing issues pulling the releases from Github.
For now, please download the MultiMC/Prism instance manually here.
To manually install with MultiMC/Prism just drag and drop the downloaded ZIP file into your launcher. More details can be found here under “Installation: MultiMC/Prism Instance”.
If you need any assistance in installing or have a bug to report, then please submit a ticket to our new issue tracker.
Have a nice day! :-)